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  • Writer's picturebeloveds1111

Conscious Connected Living

As someone who feels soul deeply, this human experience can sometimes be painfully exhausting for this heart to keep choosing consciousness, connection, compassion, forgiveness, growth and loving awareness…

When my energy gets low and my mind starts downward spiralling, I begin replaying all the ways humans have and continue to disrespect the Earth, harming one another along the way, and the role I’ve played in not always standing up for what’s right in this heart. It’s a familiar Doomsday reel… Instantly I can feel my energy being pulled down towards apathy, fear, guilt & shame and the same story shows up.

“This is too much.”

Yes, absolutely- for five year old Jessica, this is too much pain for one person to be holding on her shoulders.

Although, what my five year old nervous system is forgetting is that in these moments if 𝑰’𝒎 feeling this way, I’m certainly 𝙣𝒐𝙩 𝙩𝒉𝙚 𝙤𝒏𝙡𝒚 𝒐𝙣𝒆 who’s going through something at this time.

Sure enough, without fail, when I bridge communication with friends, family and community and share what’s going on for me, all the interconnections between what I’m experiencing and what their going through becomes soul crystal clear and the apathy, fear, guilt & shame slowly dissolves.

Oh look! It’s us humans fumbling our way through Earth School again How could we be alone in this human experience? It’s impossible with 7.8 billion people here on Earth all weaving as one an intricate web of humanity.

Choosing to consciously connect to life requires a level of presence, commitment, transparency, vulnerability, courage, resiliency, accountability to Self and others and a sense of humour! And will be challenging AF at times testing every part of your being…

However, when we begin to see the infinite connections that weave their way through the collective, we can no longer deny we are all here breathing as One, loving as One, expanding as One, integrating as One and what we are seeking is already within us all. One conscious breath & choice at a time.

Inhale. Exhale.

May this be a seed planted to choose a new way to consciously connect to life and see the Oneness that weaves us together as one big breathing family.

Not yet sure how to start?

Let’s breathe about it.

To book Conscious Connected Breathwork Sessions:

(Options for: online and in-person, individual and group ceremonial offerings available).

Mush love, we got this.


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